The body, charm and certain amount of mysteriousness are the weapons used by usual femme fatales to conquest the men and their world. Bridget Gregory is something else! She’s the bitch with a load of attitude from the very beginning to the end. The men though aware of her diabolic double face, love to trap themselves in the enticing deception of her charm and schemes. The men here are mere pawns and slaves and Bridget knows how to use and throw them just like her smoked cigarettes. She loves bending rules, changing names and playing with people’s minds. She pissed off her hubby and ran away with his illegal drug deal money. Then she took shelter in a small town and ensnared a young man into her scheme to kill her own hubby.
The plot bears much resemblance with Billy Wilder’s classic noir ‘Double Indemnity’ which clearly inspired so many neo noirs to follow but the big reason to watch this John Dahl’s well made modern noir is the way Linda Florentino carried herself in entire film with spark and attitude of her own. Her cold blooded and raw ‘I don’t care damn’ attitude is just matchless to compare even with Kathleen Turner (Body Heat) or Sharone Stone (Basic Instinct) and she has done this without more frequently showing her skin. Watch her encounter with Mike in a bar or the climax where she changed her near to fail game with unnoticed phone call. I’m adding her entry into some of the finest and intriguing bitchy acts of screen.
Hiren, just wanted to let you know what a great film blog this is - comprehensive, insightful and honest. Will be watching 'The Last Seduction.' Keep up the good work...
Best wishes,
Thanx Simon for words of appreciation. It's wonderful to see another like minded cinebuff. Just peep into your posts and find it so interesting. Hope we'll keep sharing both of our views.
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