How about watching a simple and moving drama about a little dwarf man living on a small old cabin near railway line after the death of his only friend. He prefers to remain alone and isolated in his own queer world about trains. He doesn’t like socializing, taking help or favor from anyone and yet his size makes him centre of curiosity and fun to others. He meets a coffee seller working near his cabin and an accident prone mid age lady and the relations between them grow with personal and emotional tide and ebb.
Written & directed by Thomas McCarthy, beautifully carried the whole film on eyecandy visuals of idle hours shared by the trio on railway tracks as mood enhancing backdrop along with fine background score. The film is warm and beautiful character oriented drama which is interesting, emotional and light heartedly funny without being loud in any of three, ditto about the three different characters who share their company on screen. Kudos to sincere and natural performances by Patricia Clarkson, Peter Dinklage & Bobby Canavale which so effortlessly connect us to them.
A simple, moving and delightful film worth to watch without any second thoughts. I crave to watch something like this…J
It is really the movie to watch
So you read the blog finally...happy to see somebody read the post n commented. By the way thanx for your downloading support to make me watch whatever film i wish to see. keep posting...cheers :-)
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