It’s classic theory- the well made film has surprise beginning, captivating middle and tangled end. David Fincher’s one of the most talked about film of the year has all three in right amount and it tells the story of world’s youngest millionaire at 18 with his own made friends and foes. It all begins with Harvard undergrad nerd’s messy date ended with split up. She called him ‘asshole’ at dating table and infact she’s right! He diverted his energy and started hacking pictures for Harvard’s social networking site ‘facemash’ with ranking hot girls of campus, raised the traffic overnight that crash Harvard’s whole network. And before we land up to the gain-facebook story, we see the pain- the lawsuits faced by Mark Zuckerberg.
So far the film has bagged 6 Golden Globe nominations in all major categories and will surely rule in upcoming Oscar race too locking horns with ‘Inception’. Fincher is the man of thriller and I was just wondering before watching this that how he could turn a biographical story of a programmer on screen while keeping intact the thrilling part. Credit must go to his colloboration with Aaron Sorkin’s award worthy screenplay writing skill that getting us all hooked from very beginning to the end.
The narrative shift plays brilliantly between two lawsuits Zuckerberg is facing- one from Winklevoss duo and Divya Narendra for stealing their idea and second from his close friend and partner Eduardo Saverin and then there’s all overshadowing personal story of Zuckerberg and his obsession to make ‘facebook’ a phenomenon success and common expression/almost a synonym of social networking leaving all rest of rival sites behind. Besides that the film has cheesy lines and not so often we find such awesome lines popping up in the film throughout from various characters- “They came to me with an idea, I had a better one,” said Mark; “When you go fishing you can catch a lot of fish or you can catch a big fish,” said Sean Parker to Mark on their first meeting; “Internet is not written in pencil mark, it’s written in ink,” said Erica to embarrassing Mark.

Worthy to mention stellar performances from all young cast. As Mark, Jesse Eisenberg represents a face of genius trapped in his own whims and impulses and he truly deserves nomination for best actor. It also fine supporting acts from two other young men- Andrew Garfield and Justin Timberlake. I like the soundtracks too. With Fincher and Sorkin’s topnotch work, there’re enough reasons why it becomes mustn’t miss film of this year.
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