Wednesday, November 24, 2010


“The trouble with growing up in a small town is everybody thinks they know who you are.”

A young deputy sheriff is an unexpected face of psychopathic monster here. On the innocent face value of Casey Affleck lies a violent sadistic pervert who keeps on filling the screen with carefully planned out murders while remaining inside and outside of crime. I was expecting an interesting thriller but it’s quite a disturbing film stuffed with disturbing, pervert images of raw violence, lot of bedroom nudity and a sexually sadistic killer who kept on his toll because he can’t hurt somebody who’s already dead.

Casey Affleck is really impressive one, hope he’ll get better screenplay next. Then there’s Jessica Alba and Kate Hudson baring their bodies for him and ended up being punching bags of this sadist killer. Director Michael Winterbottom who made some impressive and thought provoking independent films including ‘The Mighty Heart’ emphasized more the unwanted part then wanted. It has interesting beginning but overall a messed up disappointment.


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